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   深圳市久龙科技有限公司位于广东深圳宝安区,是一家机械加工为主要的企业,公司产品主要用于光电、电子、仪器仪表、机电...等多个领域。公司机械加工产品畅销消费者市场。产品在消费者当中享有较高的地位,公司与多家零售商和代理商建立了长期稳定的合作关系。本着“客户**,诚信至上”的原则,与多家企业建立了长期的合作关系。热诚欢迎各界朋友前来参观、考察、洽谈业务。在了解市场需求和供应情况,主要从产品,设计的自主研发生产.公司有CNC加工中心,数控车床,自动凸轮车,普车,铣床,高速雕铣机。。。。等60余多台设备。加工实力雄厚,质量好,交期快。深圳市科腾光电技术有限公司自成立以来,本着以客户的需求为导向,不断提升专业技术及生产设备,力求以“诚信、专业、精益求精、追求**”... 赢得客户的信赖!公司拥有有专业技能及敬业精神的企业团队。公司以科技为后盾,以人才为支柱,迎新知识经济的机遇与挑战是经国家相关部门批准注册的企业。
Dragon Technology Co., Ltd. of Shenzhen City in Guangdong long Bao'an District of Shenzhen, is a mechanical process as the main enterprise, the company products are mainly used in optoelectronics, electronics, instrumentation, electrical and mechanical ... and other fields. Mechanical processing products the company sold consumer market. Products among consumers enjoy a higher status, the company with a number of retailers and agents to establish a long-term stable relations of cooperation. Spirit of "customer first, honesty first"principle, and the number of enterprises established long-term cooperative relationship. Warmly welcome friends to visit, study, business negotiations. To understand the market demand and supply, mainly from the product design independent research and development. the company has CNC machining centers, CNC lathes, automatic cam cars, general cars, milling machines, high speed engraving and milling machine. . . . More than 60 such devices. Processing strength, quality, fast delivery. Kraton Shenzhen Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd. Since its inception, in line with customer demand, and improve professional skills and production equipment, and strive to "integrity, professional excellence, the pursuit of excellence"... to win the trust of customers! The company has professional skills and professionalism of the business team. Backed by technology companies, with talent as a pillar, welcome the opportunities and challenges of knowledge economy is the approval by the relevant state registration of enterprises.

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