 上海国逸气动成套厂有限公司是原上海气动成套厂解体后从新组建的单位 ,专业生产气动液压成套设备、气动元件、增压缸、气液转换器、除尘脉冲阀、电磁阀、气缸、油缸、冶金设备、各种压力测试台。    本厂有雄厚的技术,精良工艺,先进设备,检测手段完备,长期与铁道科学院,冶金设计院,船舶设计院,除尘设备厂、减压器厂等单位配备生产各种产品,在用户中获得了优良信誉,本企业2005年已过ISO9001认证 。              

     Shanghai States Yat aerodynamic package plant is the original aerodynamic package plant in Shanghai after the breakup of the formation of the new units, specializing in the production of complete sets of equipment Qidongyeya, pneumatic components, pressurized cylinder, gas-liquid conversion, dust pulse valve, solenoid valves, Cylinders, fuel tanks, metallurgical equipment, all kinds of pressure on the test bench. The factory has strong technical, sophisticated technology, advanced equipment, detection means comprehensive, long-term and Railway Academy of Sciences, metallurgical and Design Institute, ship design institute, dust plant, plant, and other units equipped with pressure reducer production of various products, users get A fine reputation, the enterprises have passed ISO9001 certification in 2005.                            


  • 联系人 : 施陈程
  • 联系电话 : 021-63060127 021-56953340
  • 传真 : 021-63641987
  • 移动电话 : 13818059731
  • 地址 : 上海市闸北区天目中路428号15B
  • Email : 1123925583@qq.com
  • 邮编 : 200071
  • 公司网址 : https://shguoyi.1688.com
  • QQ : 1123925583


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