WZPK-101简易铠装热电阻 WZPK-101

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WZPK-101简易铠装热电阻,可作为一般热电阻的内心.也可单独测温.铠装铂电阻作为一种温度传感器,它比装配式铂电阻直径小,易弯曲,适宜安装在管道狭窄和要求快速反应、微型化等特殊场合。其可对-200~600℃温度范围内的气体、液体介质和固体表面进行自动检测,并且可直接用铜导线和二次仪表相连  接使用,由于它具有良好的电输出特性,可为显示仪、记录仪、调节器、 扫描器、数据记录仪以及电脑提供**的输入


受热后的金属丝电阻随着温度的变化而变化,其热电阻值R(t)与其所处温度t的关系可表示为: R(t)=Ro(1+At+Bt2+------)按测得的电阻值查相应分度号表即可得出被测温度值t。或由显示仪表直接读出。
Industrial thermal resistance contains two categories, Pt thermal reistance and Copper thermal ressistance.
Thermal resistance is used to measure temperature on the basis of the property that substances’own resistance varies with the temperature. The part of the thermal resistance that is heated (temperataure-sensing element) is made by dual winding of fine wires around the frame made of insulation materials. When there is temperature gradient in the mediums to be measured, the measured temperature is the average temperature in the dielectric layer within the range where the temperature-sensing element is placed.Packaged thermal resistance consists of connection box, protectin tube, connection terminal, insulating sleeve and various fixed devices.WZP Pt resistance’s temperature-sensing element is a Pt wire winding. Double platinum resistance mainly is used fou such situation where it is required to use secondary display instrument, recorder and accommodometer to simultaneously detect the temperature of the same place. WZC copper resistance’s temperature-snesing element is a copper wire winding.
Temperature measurement principle of thermal resistance
The resistance of the metal wire that has been heated varies with the termperature, and the relation between the thermal resistance value and the temperature it is at can be expressed as R(t)=Ro((1+At+Bt2+------)According to the resistance value that is measured to refer to corresponding graduation mark, the temperature t that is measured can be come out, or read it directly from the indicating instrument.


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