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We are very pleased to announce the release of our brand new website! See this link -> www.newtons4th.com


We have completely overhauled the structure of the site and made it much easier for users to navigate to a product. Furthermore, we have added a huge amount of content to the site providing more information for a browsing customer.

The world's first Power Analyzers calibrated to ISO17025 as standard


The world's first Power Analyzers calibrated to ISO17025 as standard”


A.      在功率分析仪行业**拥有获得UKAS认可的编号为7949的校准实验室;

B.      ****家拥有IEC61000校准设备及能力的功率分析仪厂商;

C.      所有的功率分析仪出厂前均可以提供ISO17025校准证


A.      标准的待机能耗测试解决方案

B.      ISO17025认证作为标准的功率分析仪

C.      兼容IEC62301,EN50564和能源之星等各项标准

D.      实时无间断,高精度(0.01%的功率分析仪行内**精度标准)


A.      所有的应用软件均可以免费获得;

B.      所有的仪器均配备免费的图表软件;

C.      能自动生成Excel和实时图表;

D.      具备*多高达12相的高速数据采集能力。



We hope that the new look is well received, we will be making further improvements to the applications page in the near future which should provide an excellent resource for our customers.


As with any new website, we will be looking out for any bugs so please do not hesitate to let us know if you find anything.