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The Brilliant Idea: A solar cell that requires only a fraction ofthe silicon used in standard PV.

Innovators: Harry Atwater, Michael Kelzenberg, Nathan Lewis,California Institute of Technology
***:哈利 阿特霍特,迈克 克尔泽伯格, 内森 刘易斯,加州理工大学

Chemist Harry Atwater’s gift for manipulating light has led tosome eye-opening innovations, including an “invisibility cloak.”His most recent feat: reinventing the solar cell.
化学家哈利 阿特霍特对于如何利用光的研究带来了一些很有启发的新发明,其中包括所谓的“隐身斗篷”。他*近的一项贡献则是发明了一种新型的太阳能电池。

More than half of the silicon acting as a semiconductor instandard photovoltaic (PV) panels—made of wafers—winds up asshavings on the factory floor. Atwater’s team at Caltech wastesvirtually nothing, instead growing silicon microwires using vapordeposition. (Picture a tiny bed of nails growing out of a cloud ofsilicon-rich gas.) Researchers coat the microwires with alight-absorbing material, then embed them, along withlight-scattering particles, in a clear polymer that has areflective backing. As light pours in, it bounces around until 90percent has been absorbed.

The wire arrays require only 1 percent of the silicon—whichaccounts for roughly half of the manufacturing costs—of standardPV. The first tests of the technology at scale converted light intoelectricity at a rate of 8 percent, which the team is convinced itcan double (standard PV has 20 percent efficiency). Plus, the cellsare flexible enough to be applied to roof shingles or curtainwalls. “They have the photovoltaic properties of conventional solarcells but the mechanical properties of a plastic bag,” Atwatersays.