主营:美国Janis公司的低温真空设备;美国Cryomagnetics公司的超导磁体设备;美国IRlabs公司红外太赫兹检测设备;美国Cryocon公司温控设备及相关附件;美国Cryofab公司液氦杜瓦及相关附件,英国M&I公司的Apiezon真空润滑脂,同时与多家世界知名光谱仪公司合作为其提供变温设备。此外本公司还自主开发多种测试设备,例如霍耳效应测试系统,交流磁化率测试系统、Seebeck 测试系统,DLTS测试系统,温度正弦变化测试系统等。

CMR 低温屏蔽线

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  • 产品名称:CMR 低温屏蔽线
  • 产品型号:
  • 产品展商:CMR-Direct(CMR-Direct低温附件)
  • 产品文档:无相关文档
  • 发布时间:2016-02-25
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1.       Single Wire Brass in CuNi Shield - 5m spool



·      Easy-to-solder braided CuNi shield, overall 0.65mm diameter.

·      Central wire 8.1 ohm/m at RT, shield 5.5 ohm/m at RT. Capacitance 63pF/m

·      Heat leak through 1m from 4.2K to 0K =0.11 microW, from 1.5K = 0.01 microW

·      Special price for single continuous 5m length on spool


2. Single Wire Brass in CuNi Shield - priced per metre



·      Easy-to-solder braided CuNi shield, overall 0.65mm diameter.

·      Central wire 8.1 ohm/m at RT, shield 5.5 ohm/m at RT. Capacitance 63pF/m

·      Heat leak through 1m from 4.2K to 0K =0.11 microW, from 1.5K = 0.01 microW

·      Priced per metre. Minimum continuous piece 1m.


3. Single Wire NbTi (CuNi) in CuNi Shield - 5m spool 



·      Easy-to-solder braided CuNi shield, overall 0.65mm diameter

·      Central wire 41 ohm/m at RT, shield 5.5 ohm/m at RT. Capacitance 63pF/m

·      Heat leak through 1m from 4.2K to 0K =0.06 microW, from 1.5K = 0.01 microW

·      Special price for single continuous 5m length on spool


4. Single Wire NbTi (CuNi) in CuNi Shield - priced per metre



·      Easy-to-solder braided CuNi shield, overall 0.65mm diameter

·      Central wire 41 ohm/m at RT, shield 5.5 ohm/m at RT. Capacitance 63pF/m

·      Heat leak through 1m from 4.2K to 0K =0.06 microW, from 1.5K = 0.01 microW

·      Priced per metre. Minimum continuous piece 1m.


5. Twisted Pair Brass in CuNi Shield - 5m spool 



·      Easy-to-solder braided CuNi shield, overall 0.8mm diameter

·      Pair wires 8.1 ohm/m at RT, shield 5.5 ohm/m at RT. Cap. to shield 70pF/m, between wires 145 pF/m

·      Heat leak through 1m from 4.2K to 0K =0.06 microW, 1.5K = 0.01 microW

·      Special price for single continuous 5m length on spool


6. Twisted Pair Brass in CuNi Shield - priced per metre



·      Easy-to-solder braided CuNi shield, overall 0.8mm diameter

·      Pair wires 8.1 ohm/m at RT, shield 5.5 ohm/m at RT. Cap. to shield 70pF/m, between wires 145 pF/m

·      Heat leak through 1m from 4.2K to 0K =0.06 microW, 1.5K = 0.01 microW

·      Priced per metre. Minimum continuous piece 1m.


7. Twisted Pair NbTi (CuNi) in CuNi Shield - 5m spool



·      Easy-to-solder braided CuNi shield, overall 0.8mm diameter

·      Pair wires 41 ohm/m at RT, shield 5.5 ohm/m at RT. Cap. to shield 70pF/m, between wires 145 pF/m

·      Heat leak via 1m from 4.2K to 0K =0.06 microW, 1.5K = 0.01 microW

·      Special price for single continuous 5m length on spool


8. Twisted Pair NbTi (CuNi) in CuNi Shield - priced per metre



·      Easy-to-solder braided CuNi shield, overall 0.8mm diameter

·      Pair wires 41 ohm/m at RT, shield 5.5 ohm/m at RT. Cap. to shield 70pF/m, between wires 145 pF/m

·       Heat leak via 1m from 4.2K to 0K =0.06 microW, 1.5K = 0.01 microW

·       Priced per metre. Minimum continuous piece 1m.

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